About HPCU
The HPC University (HPCU) is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers. HPC University's resources will guide researchers, educators and students to 1) choose successful paths for HPC learning and workforce development, and 2) contribute high-quality and pedagogically effective materials that allow individuals at all levels and in all fields of study to advance scientific discovery.
HPCU actively seeks participation from all sectors of the HPC community to:
- assess the learning and workforce development needs and requirements of the community,
- catalog, disseminate and promote peer-reviewed and persistent HPC resources,
- develop new content to fill the gaps to address community needs,
- broaden access by a larger and more diverse community via a variety of delivery methods,
- and pursue other activities as needed to address community needs
These activities will empower the HPC community to explore new more rigorous pathways, which can truly lead to making effective use of current and emerging HPC resources. Equally important, HPC University will expand and diversify the community engaging new HPC users -- a rising stream of capable, trained scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians in all fields of study who are critical for fulfilling the NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery.
Partners and Contributors to HPC University
HPC University is a Virtual Organization whose membership is open to all organizations that would like to contribute to the preparation of current and future generations of HPC practitioners.
We thank the following organizations for their support including financial, personnel and promotional support.
Content is included from many other organizations, and their contributions are greatly appreciated. We welcome content submissions from any organization willing to freely share their materials and information with the public.
Content is limited to computational science and engineering, high performance computing, high throughput computing, data intensive computing, scientific visualization, high speed networking, and related topics.